onsdag 31 mars 2010

screw you

I just made a screw. Too bad it's not that shiny.

Edit: There we go!

tisdag 30 mars 2010


lace tee: amarican apparel
Finally those pics got rendered, time for bed now. How come it always gets this late? I'm running out of wake-me-up!-coffee again..

just got home

My lovely phone takes lovely shots aswell!
The presentation went well. Well, we didn't really present anything, right? Most of all we were waiting.. and listening. But it was fun though to see everybodys accomplishments.

Now: prep for thursdays debate and waiting for rhino (Rhinoceros) to render my picture. That program should really get a parking fine.

telephone terrorize me

New phone, totally amazing! Suddenly I'm reachable, what a lovely invention, isn't it?

måndag 29 mars 2010

preparing for tomorrows presentation

I know it's too late for this but with the amazing company of Gavin deGraw and Dave Matthews Band I think I can get through it.
It's just a presentation. It's just a presentation..

this is the chaos in which we 'create'

Ciao, hope you're all fine! I had to wait for three hours to get to the printer today, even had time for dinner. You know when 20 students wants to print and everybody wants to print in black, then Houston, we have a problem.
By the way, I heard it was like 20 degrees Celsius in Rome now! Summer - here I come! But what do you wear to work when it's plus 20 degrees? Minus, yes, but plus?


I was eager enough to walk for like five hours to get a gardener to answer my questions. And then I figured I wanted a second opinion.
Never do that in heels.

more to come

Welcome people! One week from now I'm leaving for Italy to finish up my project, just starting to realize for how long it actually is and getting both very excited and slightly nervous about it. There's so much to do til then! One month for an Italian company trying to design beyond limits, and let me tell you: the sky is not enough!

Wow, I love this!