lördag 15 maj 2010

Jubelspexet´s hottest show ever!

I went to the theatre last night, and what a night! Just before the last act the fire alarm suddenly went off (lucky everybody was already outside). Four fire engines, two ambulances and four police cars jostled at the entrance a couple of minutes later. Noone was hurt, and everybody wanted to see the last act.

This is when I got so d*mn impressed, we didn´t have any theatre and the street was crowded. So we saw the last act outside, behind the bbq kiosk.

What a fantastic competence! THAT, my friends, is how you deal with problems! Did I mention it was Jubelspexet, from the Department of Machine Design at the Royal IT? Of course it was!

I am so happy that I went last night, this is unforgettable, the coolest thing I´ve ever seen!

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